
Polycarbonate properties

Although it has high impact-resistance, it has low scratch-resistance. Therefore, a hard coating is applied to polycarbonate eyewear lenses and polycarbonate exterior automotive components. The characteristics of polycarbonate compare to those . Upper working temperature ‎: ‎115–1°C.

Heat deflection temperature ‎: ‎0.

Lower working temperature ‎: ‎−°C (−°F) Linear thermal expansion coefficient (α) ‎: ‎65–70. The material is amorphous (thereby displaying excellent mechanical properties and high dimensional stability), is thermally resistant up to . PC is classified as a “thermoplastic” (as opposed to “thermoset”), and the name has to do with the way the plastic responds to heat. Thermoplastic materials become liquid at their melting point (1degrees Celsius in the case of Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) ‎: ‎1°C. The presence of the phenyl groups on the molecular chain and the two methyl side groups contribute to molecular stiffness in the polycarbonate.

This stiffness has a large effect on the properties of polycarbonate. First, attraction between of the phenyl groups between different molecules contributes to a lack of mobility of the .

Obtain information and order online. Polycarbonate sheets: Properties and applications. Quality from thyssenkrupp. It was one of the first thermoplastics to offer these properties.

ABS and a number of other thermoplastics. When combined with a Fortus 3D Production System, PC gives you strong parts for conceptual modeling, functional prototyping, manufacturing tools, and end-use parts. PC runs the Xtend 5Fortus Plus option, which enables more than 4hours of unattended . Many more properties can be achieved depending . Search the MatWeb database of technical data sheets for the polycarbonate name or properties such as flexural modulus, density, optical transmission, or melt flow.

Although some structural variations are possible, the most common system is formed by reaction of bispenol A and phosgene. Its applications are almost always those which take advantage of its unique high impact strength. Recently, additional interest has resulted because of its low flammability. Products made from polycarbonate include sheets for roofing and . Physical Properties ical Properties. Specific Gravity ific Gravity.

Water Absorption r Absorption.

Get a Quote or Ask a Plastics Expert at Curbell Plastics. PC is an otherwise-unclassified thermoplastic material. The properties of PC include four common variations.

For more specific values, follow the links immediately below. The graph bars on the material properties cards further below.

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