
Primula vulgaris

La prímula vulgaris o primavera constituye un adorno generoso para los prados rústicos. Es una herbácea bienal, que. Son ideales para plantarse en el jardín creando manchas en macizos y arriates, así como en macetas y jardineras.

En todos los casos, sus diversos y vivos colores, son una alegría para la . Planta perenne provista generalmente de hojas radicales oblongo-obovadas, dentadas, arrugadas, más claras por la cara inferior.

Sus flores, compuestas por. Son resistentes al frío y su floración se produce hacia finales del invierno y permanece . Learn more about the Primrose – with amazing Primrose videos, photos and facts on Arkive. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. It is in flower from Dec to May, and the seeds ripen from Apr to August.

The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, lepidoptera, self. Se acerca la primavera al hemisferio norte.

Poco a poco se acerca la primavera al hemisferio norte. Plantas de temporada adecuadas para la primavera hay muchas, y también son varias las formas de obtenerlas y plantarlas. Planta perenne con hojas dispuestas en roseta basal, con peciolo alado y de menor o igual longitud que el limbo, que tiene su máxima. Short-stalke often fragrant, salverform, pale yellow flowers (each to across) bloom in clusters rising to tall from the center of an open basal rosette of wrinkled obovate leaves . Se utilizan la raíz y las flores.

Indicación de la Comisión E del Ministerio de Salud alemán: expectorante y mucolítico para catarros del tracto respiratorio. Primula acaulis , Primavera. PRIMULA VULGARIS SEEDS (PRIMROSE) – Plant World Seeds. The true Devon Primrose collected from a bank on our nursery.

Sheets of delicately perfume pale lemon yellow blossoms appear in sheets of colour in earliest spring (sometimes at Christmas in Devon!). A beautiful plant that can flower through the snow to brighten up your garden in winter and spring. Lovely yellow flowers which are edible – you can even make primrose wine with them! See a rich collection of stock images, vectors, or photos for primula vulgaris you can buy on Shutterstock. It produces flowers which generally vary in colour from pale cream to deep yellow.

Other colour variants include white and pink flowered forms. Common Name Common Primrose.

Habitat, Edges of grassland and woodlan grassy banks and shady places. Leaves, Dark green, oblong and crinkly. However, the wild form only nears sulphur yellow flowers and is therefore more seen as a plant for garden enthusiasts. In the garden these last for many years and are extremely hardy.

Their sizable double blossoms appear in a rainbow of colors and bloom profusely throughout the spring season atop the compact, bright green foliage. Sterile flowers result in plants that are .

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