
Cedrus atlantica

Lugar de origen: Especie de las montañas de África del Norte (Marruecos y Argelia). Cedrus atlantica has an estimated extent of occurrence greater than 20km 2. Etimología: Cedrus, nombre clásico del cedro. Atlantica , del latín atlanticus-a-um, del océano atlántico o . Clima: Atlántico – Continental – Mediterráneo – Montañoso – Tropical.

Nombre común: Cedro del Atlas, Pino de Marruecos, Cedro plateado. Resistente a: Heladas Medias – Heladas Suaves – Sequía media – Suelo Alcalino. Tipo de suelo: pH Neutro – pH Alcalino – Suelo bien drenado – Suelo fértil – Suelo Seco – Textura . El cedro del Atlas, también llamado cedro atlántico, es una conífera de porte majestuoso, dotada de un tronco muy recto, que puede alcanzar los metros de altura.

Su corteza, es de un característico color cenicienta y lisa que se va agrietando con la eda tomando coloración negruzca o pardo oscura, volviéndose . Tree Register: National Registry of Big Trees. It is one of the true cedars. Growing habit is usually loose pyramidal when young, becoming more flat- topped .

En caché Similares Traducir esta página Habitat. This shows off the wonderful irregular, open pyramidal form with lower . Has fragrant Bark and Leaf. It measures feet high, with a trunk circumference of 1inches and a crown spread of feet.

Photo Locations: Strybing Arboretum – San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles County Arboretum – Arcadia, CA, Huntington Botanical Gardens – San Marino, CA, UC Santa Cruz Arboretum – Santa Cruz, CA, National Arboretum – Washington, D. Cal Poly State University Campus – San Luis Obispo, CA. También recibe los nombres vulgares de Cedro del Atlas, Cedro . Pronunciation: SE- drus at-LAN-ti-ka. This member of the Pine family (Pinaceae) is.

Asia – China – Jiangsu South America – Bolivia – La Paz. SEE-druss at-LAN-tee-kah forma GLOK-ah. This stunning evergreen conifer can be a very large specimen tree (to over 1feet) in the landscape. This is a large evergreen conifer initially conical in shape, later developing a broad crown, with spreading branches bearing silvery blue-green needles and ovoid cones.

In Europe, the tree is widely cultivated for ornamental purposes in parks, roadsides and elsewhere. In the Mediterranean it can be used for . CEDRUS ATLANTICA GLAUCA – Blue Atlantic Cedar Characteristics The steel blue foliage on this superb evergreen conifer makes it a stand out specimen tree wherever it is planted.

The pyramidal shape that is has when young eventually fades as it broadens and gains a flatter top. These are very large trees that can . Can exceed 150′ in height. Atlas Cedar Leaf and Seed Atlas Cedar. Needles occur in lush clusters of .

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