
Compile sass with ruby

You can install Ruby through the apt package manager, rbenv, or rvm. You will also need the build-essential package, available through a package manager as well. Download and install Ruby. Specify a path variable for the folder where the Ruby executable file and the gem. This lets you launch Ruby and Gem Manager from any folder and ensures that Ruby.

Sass makes CSS fun again. Установить Ruby можно через пакетные менеджеры apt, rbenv или rvm. How to use SASS with Netbeans 8. En caché Similares Traducir esta página may.

A gem is piece of software or app made to run on Ruby. This is not a tutorial on command-line syntax, . To get a better idea about the asset pipeline, visit the official Ruby on Rails guide. If you are working on a Mac, chances are, you already have Ruby. Huge thanks to him for coming up with the initial project. GitHub license Build Status.

Recently at Zivtech we started migrating our base theme for Drupal called Bearskin over to a gulp-based CSS compiling system. More detailed instructions can be found in “ Ruby for Newbies: Installing Ruby and Getting Started”. You may also find one of these walk throughs useful: HOWTO: Compile your stylesheets for production. Create a new compass project.

Luego de descargar Ruby e instalarlo, debemos abrir la consola. Para ello podemos o bien entrar a la consola clásica de windows o abrir la consola con Ruby , que nos aparecerá en nuestra carpeta de programas: Ruby. Con la consola abierta debemos poner el siguiente comando para instalar SASS. Agora na pasta de teste, abra o prompt digitando “cmd.

O prompt vai abrir direto na pasta. Agora compile o arquivo scss em um arquivo CSS . It helps designers compile stylesheets easily without resorting to command line interface. Java (JRuby), and works in mac, linux and pc. You do not need to install Ruby environment to use it.

Not all designers will know how or want.

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