
Failed to build gem native extension

Usually, the solution is: sudo apt-get install ruby-dev. En caché Similares Traducir esta página mar. Failed to build gem native extension — Rails install. Try this, then try to install compass again apt-get install ruby-dev . To check if your version of ruby is set up correctly, you can use the following.

In your case, it looks like ruby is setup fine.

Rvm is just a tool to help you manage your rubies. En caché Similares Traducir esta página jun. Más resultados de askubuntu. Catches mail and serves it through a dream.

Contribute to mailcatcher development by creating an account on GitHub. See above output for more information on the failure. Building native extensions.

Successfully installed thor- 0. If you are facing the following error.

While installing gems on ubuntu. Please refer to this link for a solution to solve the error. This error usually occurs when installing gems like mysql and nokogiri. Jermaines-MBP:~ jermainesmith$ sudo gem install sass. I keep having errors to install ruby etc and gem updates etc.

I hope someone can advise or help. As the console output suddenly hangs, you feel a horrible, sinking sensation of fear in your stomach: something truly bad is about to happen! Give it a read and it may help you out too. This gem is needed for ruby-debug.

I am new to redmine and rails. I get the following output. Have new laptop, fresh install of OS (LinuxMint 1).

Installed rvm and ruby 2. When trying to install jekyll, I got the following error: mkmf. You could also try just installing the ruby-dev package: sudo apt-get install ruby- dev .

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